Friday, April 20, 2012

Pain : Gain

No Pain,No Gain: That's the rule of games!

Sacrifice alot alot of this..
Turned ard , look at what i've learnt..

Compared to you, seems to be nothing ; but to mii, is alots...[more]

Paid by own, Billed in life yet no one will ask you how much is the COST.

Seriously did pretty much to improve, i ain't gud at "masking" myself in the public..
[so IF i did make u feel bad,i'm sorry]

I dare to ask,dare to try..[with the condition i know what am i doing!]

Hontonni farking hatred the way been treated like a NOOB.
The way u work is NOT the way i can cope with : u made mii lose confident on you , what about respect?!
*long sigh*

I'll survive.. [still]
-depressing in the period of unbalanced, wondering when can i be fully recharged....-


  1. don't be so moody.. sum tong to see u in this condition.. :( cheer up!

  2. thanks dear..i'll be okie..same goes to u ,gayao tgt ya..^3^
